Friday, December 14, 2012

APEX 4.2.1 Patch Set Released

Today we released APEX 4.2.1 on the APEX OTN Download page.
This  is a cumulative patch set for APEX 4.2.0.
If you already have APEX 4.2.0 installed then you will need to download the patch from My Oracle Support , Patch # 14732511 {Filename will be until Oracle Support has 4.2.1 loaded at which time the name will change to}

There were quite a number of APEX 4.2.0 Known Issues, the majority of which have been incorporated into APEX 4.2.1.

It is important to read the APEX 4.2.1 Patch Set Notes and also the APEX 4.2 Release Notes when installing APEX 4.2.1.

... But Wait - That's Not All
On the APEX OTN Home Page I have added a new button :
This leads to a collection of pages on Installation, Upgrades, Deploying Applications, User Interface, Security, and Performance. These pages are designed to answer the questions our team often gets asked and  provide additional information to that available in the documentation.

.. Still More
On the Collateral - White Papers Page the Extending Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 using Oracle Application Express white paper has been revised to include some corrections and include OAM which is the new Oracle standard for single-sign on integration across Oracle Applications.

... And Last But Not Least
On the OTN APEX Home Page there are a number of new Case Studies. One of the best case studies I have seen for Application Express comes from APEX Consulting Partner Inoapps, who delivered a system for INEOS in Scotland: INEOS Group Cuts 80% off Application Design and Build Costs for Managing Hydrocarbon Accounting and Refinery Information.

There is also a new book listed - Oracle APEX Best Practices.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your team hitting your deadline!

SteveUK said...

Well done on a great you know when / if 4.2.x will make it to the oracle database cloud...?

Unknown said...

As with release dates for Oracle Products we can't give you dates for the Oracle Database Cloud Service being updated. I can say it is planned but not give you a date.


Jon Trøstheim said...

Great job David with a fantastic product, we are proud to give customers choice to also use CMS publishing using APEX (if you like have a look at

Unknown said...

I’ve tried the upgrade from Apex 4.0 to 4.2.1 and all seemed to be ok.

But then, testing application I had some ORA-01460 errors.

APEX is running on dedicated 11.2 server, but the application need to retrive data from an old financial application based on db 8.1.7 and from an erp application based on db 10.2.
To do this, on APEX db we have some views using, via dblink, views defined on target servers.

The error rises executing query on the 8.1.7 db if the query uses APEX shared items.

As example:
The application has to work for different companies of the group: when the user logs in, he must choose which company to work for; this information (2 char code) is stored in a shared item (APPL_COMPANY).

When I go to exec the query:

select a,b,c from myview where company = :APPL_COMPANY

I have the error if the target db is the old one (on 10.2 I had no errors, at the moment).

But if I try to modify the APEX query:

select a,b,c from myview where company = ‘XX’

all is ok.

And, obviously, all is ok using APEX 4.0.

So, can you suggest some workaround for this problem?


Unknown said...


Please post a question on the APEX OTN Forum. Unfortunately DB 8.x is no longer supported. Oracle Support may be able to help but will probably advise you to upgrade your remote DB.
